
Shimemura Young Author Prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of US$500. The contributions with the first author under age 35 on July 18, 2006 are eligible. The criteria are high technical quality and good presentation of the papers. The finalists are informed with notification of acceptance. The winners are decided by a selection committee and awarded at the closing ceremony. Eligible authors wishing to be considered for this prize should indicate when they submit contributions.

Best Poster Paper Prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award of US$300. The criteria are high technical quality and good presentation of the poster papers. The winners are decided by a selection committee and awarded at the closing ceremony.

Asian Control Journal Award consists of 2 monetary awards, each of US$500. The criteria and prize will be provided by Asian Control Journal Editor.

Control Education Award . The criteria and prize will be provided by ACA.



Visitor Number 45,158
Last Updated February 11, 2014
World Science Association

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